Fall and Rescue Protection
In service work in the industry, it is essential to overcome heights in various forms. We have made it our mission to ensure safe entry into tanks, reactors, tanks, pits, shafts, canals, etc. These include safe access equipment with certified ladders as well as personal security via safety harnesses with fall protection, rescue winches (manual or electropneumatic) including installation options as tripods or mobile fall arrest devices. In such activities, sufficient illumination of the area to be traveled, in addition to a communication possibility between the security post at the manhole or pits, shaft opening and the technician, is a safety measure which is unavoidable today. We deliver everything from one source including training and instruction.
We deliver tested aluminum ladder systems as well as aluminum rope ladders and plastic rope ladders. For illuminating pits and containers, we only offer ex-protected and low-voltage luminaires. Rescue winches and fall protection systems are designed and approved according to all valid and latest norms and standards.
Benefit & Advantage:
Fall protection saves lives. Worlwide lawmakers and customers throughout the industry demand professional height and fall protection when overcoming different levels and getting into depths is part of the job.